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GEOTOP-A | Francesco Di Giovanni | Over-squashing and over-smoothing through the lenses of curvature
Understanding Over-Squashing and Bottlenecks on Graphs via Curvature | Jake Topping & F. Di Giovanni
Graph Neural Networks as Gradient Flows | Francesco Di Giovanni & James Rowbottom
Guitar solo on Claire - OCCHIali
GReTA seminar: "On Over-Squashing and Expressivity: Can GNNs Mix Variables?"
larino di sotto
Anti. Archeologia. Archivi - parte 11
Tratturi. Lectio magistralis del prof. Antonio Mucciaccio - Parte 3
How to pronounce Larino (Italian/Italy) -
Angelo Marchione
A Lecture by Joseph Connors: Borromini, An Introduction
Larino (CB), Ristorante La Carrese